Curious to hear Dhammic responses to this critique of Buddhism and mindfulness

Every time my exercise class teacher says, “Be mindful to hold your spine straight while doing this exercise”. … Doubt she’d appreciate that very much!!


Gillian, be sure to hold your spine straight when reading the suttas. Grandpa Karl wants you to have a happy life with many nimitas!



*Previous research on assessment of mindfulness by self-report suggests that it may include five component skills: **observing, describing, acting with awareness, nonjudging of inner experience, and nonreactivity to inner experience.*These elements of mindfulness can be measured with the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ)

Observing: mindfulness might be just memory, sometimes.
Describing: this is clear comprehension followed by speech (vitakka vicara). It’s possible to speak with mindfulness but with little insight.
Acting…: kamma. Is acting with awareness the same as acting from within right view?
Non-judging: self critical thoughts (absence of…). You can be mindful of self criticism as well.
Equanimity and mindfulness of the mind

With metta

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