D & D response and advice regarding COVID-19

Dear Members,

The world is experiencing a unique event in recent history with the current pandemic of the COVID-19 outbreak.

We as Buddhists are well placed to deal with the challenges presented, with our practice of restraint as well as compassion. The team at D&D advise all members to follow the advice given by each Nations official health organisations.

Additionally, it is a time when the Dhamma is ever more meaningful in our daily lives. It is a great opportunity to practice kindness and compassion, and to try to restrain unbeneficial reactions (panic etc) as much as possible. This community is well placed to offer mutual support and to foster a wise and considered approach to the circumstances.

Below is a list of official health organisations. Please refer to these resources for your medical and situational advice.

This is simply the best and most accurate advice available, and we ask members to refer to these rather than to seek technical answers within the discussions on the forum.

Metta and Karuna

:pray: :revolving_hearts: :dharmawheel:



On 31 December 2019, WHO was informed of a cluster of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China. WHO is closely monitoring this event and is in active communication with counterparts in China. In line with…

nhs.uk – 24 Jan 20

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

NHS advice about coronavirus (COVID-19), including what to do if you think you have it and how to reduce your chances of getting it.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – 11 Feb 20

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a virus (more specifically, a coronavirus) identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China.

Australian Government Department of Health – 6 Feb 20

Coronavirus (COVID-19) health alert

The World Health Organization has announced that COVID-19 is a pandemic. Find out how we are monitoring and responding to the outbreak, how you can help slow the spread of COVID-19 in Australia, and what to do if you have symptoms. We also report the…

Public Health - European Commission – 22 Jan 20

COVID-19 - Public Health - European Commission


Ministry of Health NZ

COVID-19 (novel coronavirus)

The latest information about the COVID-19 coronavirus disease (formerly known as 2019-nCoV). Includes public health advice, signs and symptoms, current cases, advice for travellers and advice for health professionals.

INDIA- https://www.mohfw.gov.in/

CHINA- http://en.nhc.gov.cn/

HONGKONG- COVID-19 Thematic Website - Together, We Fight the Virus - Home

SINGAPORE- MOH | Updates on COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) Local Situation

THAILAND- Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19)