Dependent Origination-Another Perspective

As all of us are aware, there is a lot of debate about Dependent Origination. I embarked on the journey to find the most accurate interpretation of it more than ten years ago. The book I wrote in 2019, was a result of that journey.
However, Over the years I found the contents of that book were far from accurate. And I continued to search and I was able to come up with this smaller version to remedy my mistakes in the previous book.
I honestly believe that Dependent Origination cannot be correctly understood without correctly understanding the Discourse on Great Causation - Mahānidāna Sutta - DN15. Hence, I have devoted all my energy to understand it and write this book.
I invite all of you to read the material contained in this writing and offer your comments. I sincerely hope that you will benefit from it.
Thank you.
With Metta
Dependent Origination For Sutta Central.pdf (1.8 MB)