Dhamma doodles 😁

Seven bhikkhus in Kassapa Buddha’s time

(Warning: The following is from the Dhammapada commentary, not an EBT
 But it’s just such a dramatic story and features some of my favorite monks. And it has a happy ending

During Kassapa Buddha’s dispensation, after he had attained parinibbana and his teaching was in decline, seven bhikkhus, who were very committed to practise, decided to climb a mountain, throw down the ladder, and either attain arahantship or starve up there. The first monk attained arahantship with the psychic powers and offered to fetch food for the others but they refused to take it. The second monk became an anagami, also offered to fetch food, and was also refused. The other five starved.
In Gotama Buddha’s dispensation, these five became eminent monks with high attainments and very unusual biographies: Pukkusati, Bahiya Daruciriya, Dabba Mallaputta, Kumara Kassapa, and Sabhiya. The anagami monk, who was reborn in the pure abodes, continued to help his former companions. He directed Bahiya to the Buddha’s teaching, and gave the riddle to Kumara Kassapa that facilitated his awakening.