Dhamma doodles šŸ˜

It still belongs to you!

(Giving gifts of anger)

SN 7.2

The brahmin Bharadvāja the Rude heard a rumor that a brahmin of the Bharadvāja clan had gone forth from the lay life to homelessness in the presence of the ascetic Gotama. Angry and displeased he went to the Buddha and abused and insulted him with rude, harsh words. When he had spoken, the Buddha said to him:
ā€œWhat do you think, brahmin? Do friends and colleagues, relatives and family members, and guests still come to visit you?ā€

ā€œSometimes they do, Master Gotama.ā€

ā€œDo you then serve them with a variety of foods and savories?ā€

ā€œSometimes I do.ā€

ā€œBut if they donā€™t accept it, brahmin, who does it belong to?ā€

ā€œIn that case it still belongs to me.ā€

ā€œIn the same way, brahmin, when you abuse, harass, and attack us who do not abuse, harass, and attack, we donā€™t accept it. It still belongs to you, brahmin, it still belongs to you!
Someone who, when abused, harassed, and attacked, abuses, harasses, and attacks in return is said to eat the food and have a reaction to it. But we neither eat your food nor do we have a reaction to it. It still belongs to you, brahmin, it still belongs to you!ā€