Did the Buddha teach consent?

But when it came to defining the third precept in terms of “the Golden Rule” (“Do unto others…”) the Buddha didn’t talk about consent / rape but only adultery:

a noble disciple reflects: ‘If someone were to have sexual relations with my wives, I wouldn’t like it. But if I were to have sexual relations with someone else’s wives, he wouldn’t like that either. The thing that is disliked by me is also disliked by others. Since I dislike this thing, how can I inflict it on others?’ Reflecting in this way, they give up sexual misconduct themselves. And they encourage others to give up sexual misconduct, praising the giving up of sexual misconduct. So their bodily behavior is purified
~ SN 55.7

As I talked about before, leaving ethical discussions at a super high level, and not getting into the details, leaves the door open for bad Buddhist teachers to say and do horrible things, as documented cases demonstrate.

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