Difference between the Buddha's path and what is taught to others?

Well yes. But time has ‘no discernable beginning’ (at least, according to the Buddha), so there’s an awful lot of time available. One might suggest an infinity of time with an infinity of Buddhas if even the Buddha can’t see the beginning?

There’s a big discussion on finite and infinite number of beings here. I must say it all got quite confusing for me … (In)finite number of beings

1% of infinity is a very large number too.

I don’t know. He’s got quite a loud voice :wink:


Then you have the concept of multiple world (or solar) systems in mn115, which can have different Buddhas at the same time. And communication between those systems in dn1 where the other systems shake at the exposition.

I don’t know if this was addressed to me, but I haven’t actually disputed that, although I might.

If you are an ariya, you can’t go to hell, right? And if you haven’t entered the stream then nothing is guaranteed in your future?

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