Difficult reference codes in academic article

Difficult reference codes

I am reading an essay about the Buddhas of the past, present and future. It makes two references which I don’t know how to match to the source texts to which that essay is referring.

Mahaparinibbana sutta DII 82-83
Dhammapada commentary Dh-a I 11, 4

I have Bhukkhini Vajra’s and Bhikkhu Sujato’s Mahaparinibbana sutta and Eugene Watson Burlingame’s three volume Dhammapada Aṭṭhakathā.

I feel ignorant that I can’t just use the numbers given to find the source text in my texts.

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You can use this tool to convert PTS References:

Though it may sometimes be off by one. In this case, it gives DN16, specifically starting at the section about Sariputta’s Lion’s Roar: SuttaCentral (you can enable PTS page numbers by clicking :eye: views → References → Pali Text Society)

Unfortunately this citation to the Dhammapada commentary isn’t in the tool above, but if you know the verse or name of the monastic it’s pretty easy to look up: Dhamma Verses Commentary - Home Page


It is in this one, though:

Also, for the D ii 83, don’t forget you can use the built in search in SuttaCentral: https://suttacentral.net/search?query=volpage:D+II+83


Than you. The folks on this board have really helpful experience.