Difficulty Finding SuttaCentral in Google Searches

Good point. I brought this up a couple of years ago @ Searching SC: Limited Hits for Anapana - #21 by sujato

  1. In The Mindfulness of Breathing Sutta, and perhaps other suttas, anapanasati is spelled following an approach that seems to not be commonly used or followed. Namely: Ānāpānassatisutta. For example, google doesn’t recognize that spelling, whereas it clearly recognizes anapanasati. So, although the content in MN 118 is fantastic, it follows a spelling that google doesn’t seem to recognize. Thus, SC will never likely rank for anapanasati, and may be hindered by not having the common spelling as content on its page.

The fact that “sutta” is not a commonly searched term anyway makes it probably even less likely that Google would understand the title Sāleyyakasutta means Sāleyyaka sutta.

Interestingly, SuttaCentral still does not show up in a search for “anapanasati sutta”. On the other hand, a SC Discuss & Discover post does show up after about three pages. According to Google’s keyword planner, anapanasati sutta is one of the most commonly searched terms related to suttas with about 1,000 to 10,000 monthly hits worldwide–no other EBT is searched more.

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Hope this helps.

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