Difficulty Finding SuttaCentral in Google Searches

That worked! That said, I wonder if the site work Ven. @sujato was organizing related to this topic is complete? It seems like something changed with the site because now when I do a google search for MN 41 sutta, even without including the test “suttacentral”, one of suttacentral’s MN 41s comes up at the top of the search rankings!

The last time I checked with this search (MN 41 sutta) I couldn’t even find suttacentral’s MN 41 anywhere in the search results, except for its legacy site.

Regardless, the next time I want to search suttacentral, I’m going to follow your suggestion, John.


We did change some of the back end, it seems like it worked.

If you just write mn41 in our search, you get this. What else do you want?


Personally, I don’t have any complaints about SuttaCentral’s functions. I created this post initially with the hope of helping SuttaCentral better connect with people interested in the Buddha’s teachings (who use Google to find information). Thanks to all those who contribute to SuttaCentral!


That’s brilliant! It would be a pity if search engines couldn’t find all this great work! :pray: