Discrimination against Trans people in the Sangha

Yes…indeed it does sound like the reality as I perceived it. And my reaction is that I don’t think a ‘reactionary’ response is the appropriate one for a Buddhist sangha of integrity. I did not become a Buddhist to be a test case for discriminatory practices. I came to Buddhism for refuge, and I don’t feel as if refuge was offered. And yes, I have experienced bigotry and discrimination in almost every aspect of my life. And discrimination almost always hides behind a proper sounding motive.

I did not jump. The contact person immediately responded to my declaration as if it was a legitimate qualifier for admittance to their sangha which de-legitimizes their claim to be Buddhists as there were no trans people documented as such in Buddha’s life.

Thank you so much for understanding. I believe that name ‘Rainbow’ is precisely what lured me into thinking that it was an all-inclusive Buddhist group. And ironically…shouldn’t every Buddhist and their ‘group’ be all inclusive? They really failed the test in my humble opinion.

Thanks but I live 50 miles from anywhere, and I have already taken a poll of Buddhists in my county to find there are ZERO Buddhists here. Is that a record? Probably not, but daunting none the less.

Dear Sujato, this is precisely the response for which I have been waiting .

These words lift me up, and offer the loving compassion which I have come to expect from a true Buddha.

Thank you, thank you Thank you. It’s a long way to go for a sangha, but I’m sure it would be worth it!
Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu! :blush::innocent::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes::star_struck::joy::wink::pray::pray::pray:

With Love and gratitude for your compassionate response. METTA!