Discussing jhana

We could add to the list:
The silent ones who have experienced jhana but wisely say nothing about it.

And also, their opposite, the ones who say too much about jhana but have never experienced it.

Plus, I would add those to be wary of:

  • People whose “jhana” definition is unorthodox, idiosyncratic, self-verified, not recognised by teachers of jhana as jhana, does not fit with the suttas, the tradition, or with the lineage of meditation teachers practicing jhana.

  • Those who say jhana is simple and easy. Who devalue and diminish jhana, by taking something supramundane and making it mundane, taking something extraordinary and making it ordinary; rendering it meaningless by defining it in a way that makes it easier to “attain”, so that you can be practicing jhana whilst at the bus stop, or thinking about your groceries whilst doing jhana… Um. :thinking: No.

  • And those who make claims out of conceitedness,
    arrogantly overestimating their experience to puff up their egos, feel that they are somehow ‘special’ and that they are superior to others. If they had actually experienced jhana, it should have dissolved rather than solidified their sense of self!

These “experts” can greatly mislead others.

:warning: Watch out!! :warning: