Discussion for Bilara users

Hmm … :thinking: @HongDa?

I don’t think there will be much repair done in the existing app, but are these things known and are considered in the new version?

No I guess not. I just wondered if that was a temporary issue and that I could rely on it at a later time.

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The new version of Bilara is developed by STX Next. I don’t know the details yet, but as far as I know, it should be available for online testing in the near future.


Oh thank you, this is fantastic news! Looking very much forward!!! :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:


Hello, in Bilara, in the interface file, I am unable to find these sections. Should I instead work directly on the JSON files? Or they are located somewhere else in Bilara ?

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That’s certainly not how it’s meant.

Quite likely. HongDa has done some re-arrangement recently, so these lines may indeed have been moved. Some lines have also been removed because they are deprecated. @HongDa can you please have a look? I think that’s best. :pray:


Thanks @noeismet

This is some localized information that has not been synchronized. I have synchronized and restarted Bilara, and you should now be able to see it in Bilara. :pray:


Thank you @HongDa ! I also find some new lines now in my “interface” file. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes, I assumed so.

Yes me too. Thanks a lot @HongDa and @sabbamitta


@HongDa, sorry, I am having the same issue with:

"footer:buddhismnet": "Buddhism.net — making the teachings of the Buddha accessible",

in footer_translation-fr-site.json.

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That’s probably elsewhere too. So far the text for Buddhism.net also doesn’t appear on the Home page:

There’s still the text for Bilara, which has been removed from here. It even says “Computergestützte Übersetzung” (computer assisted translation) in the subtitle.

And above these “related projects” boxes, the line “more awesome SuttaCentral things” is also not localized.

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Yes, same thing here for French:

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No, this should not be the case. That reorganization was done “long ago” and should have nothing at all to do with the current situation, especially for those who are using Bilara.

However recently I have been adding more localized segments to the site. If you can see these segments in the localization tool I made but not in your Bilara interface, then that means that somehow Bilara has not been synchronized to the latest files on github.

Some technical background: My localization tool pulls data directly from github. It was never meant to be used by actual Bilara users. There has been a whole crew doing interface translation without Bilara. It is meant for them.

Also, Bilara is not using the files from GitHub “live”, meaning that just because something is on github, that doesn’t mean it will be in Bilara. After things are added to GitHub there is a build/synchronization step to pull that data into Bilara. If you see things on GitHub/my localization tool that are not visible in Bilara it means that the build/sync step has been missed. It has nothing to do with the reorganization done several weeks ago

Have you re-translated that segment? In Bilara it should be these:

"home:31": "Easy access to the teachings",
"home:32": "Buddhism.net helps you learn Buddhism, develop a practice, and discover teachers and communities. Cross-sectarian, it focuses on early Buddhism, the common root of all schools of Buddhism. Build a solid foundation in early Buddhism, helpful no matter what form of Buddhism you follow.",

Unfortunately there is currently no way for the translators to be alerted when a root segment changes as it did here.

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No, they are not there in the “Home” file in Bilara. That’s why I suspect there is more lack of synchronization.

Thank you for all your “detective” work on missing interface elements! :male_detective:

Yes, @HongDa this seems to be the problem. This is what I’m seeing in Bilara:

Is it possible your synchronization didn’t work?

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Perhaps the synchronization was only done for one specific file? But there may be more.

I really doubt that is how it works. No point in speculating. Hongda should be able to figure it out.

Please add things like that to this issue:

[NOTE: I realize that with things being out of sync it may not always be possible to tell if something hasn’t been localized yet or if there is just some problem with showing it.]

Even if you can’t re-open the issue I will still get a notification when you make a comment.

I have added and will update in my next round of changes.

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Thank you. It’s not easy to keep track with all the issues and find the right one where something should be added. I’ve now saved me the link to this one. :white_check_mark:

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Hello. I noticed the following segment on SC homepage (footer I should say):

  • By humans, for humans
    All work on this website was created by humans, not by AI.

But I could not locate it in Bilara, so I could translate it. Any idea?

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Oh! Thanks for noticing! That must be brand new, I hadn’t seen it yet.

Probably it hasn’t been added yet to the Bilara file for translation—Venerable @Snowbird?