Disuse of the impersonal pronoun *one*

I’m thankful that the discussion here has been so cordial… :rofl:


Kerouac who the person who introduced me to Buddhism. When I was a teenager, I was really into the Beat Generation. For those who don’t know, the Beat Generation was largely responsible for introducing Buddhism to popular American culture. The Hippies mostly took what the Beat Generation started and ran with it, although certain things changed (the Beats were into jazz, not rock, etc.). Some of the Beats remained Buddhists their whole lives, although Kerouac didn’t.


My wife always uses the Oxford comma, I never do.

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Ironically, the Oxford Comma is the required style in the American scientific journals that I am familiar with. I thought for a long time that it was the “American Comma”… :slight_smile:

Once I learned it was the “Oxford Comma” I just used it all the time…

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The Wikipedia entry shows that always using it and never using it are both bad policies, for the said comma can both resolve ambiguity and create ambiguity.

And where its use or omission creates ambiguity, it can even get you hanged.



I personally think it’s a terrible idea. ‘Holies’ would make me think ‘holy whats?’ Or wonder if it’s the name of some group/organisation. And ‘nobles’ in English means those who are:

belonging by rank, title, or birth to the aristocracy

The Oxford comma is an aberration, and not the kind of thing one uses in civilised company. :laughing: