Do AN6.119 and AN6.120-139 speak of lay arahants?

Btw: What is the cause of death for lay arahant not enrobing within 7 days?

What if a family father goes to a Mexico vacation with his wife and children for 14 days and unexpectantly on the first day turns Arahat?

What if somebody in a country without monastaries turns Arahat?

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:joy: :rofl: Do you see how many assumptions go into such a question? This is the result of literal interpretations, dogma, and motivated reasoning. This would be recognized as the project of apologia in Christian communities and as abhidhamma in Buddhist circles. :pray:

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Bāhiya Sutta: Bāhiya we have sutta recorded lay (unordained) arahant.

Then we rejoice and congratulate the person.

So , you took Bāhiya of the Bark Rob as Layman although Bahiya was an Ascetic at that time though unordained under the Buddha or His order . However , it wouldnt be right with such logics . If you remember the first time the Buddha preached to the Five Ascetics they werent Ordained under the Buddha too . :v:


“amataddaso amataṃ sacchikatvā iriyati” = one sees freedom from death and lives having realized freedom from death.

We are assuming the word “amataṃ” (freedom from death) as “Complete Niroadha samapatti” (or Nibbana) is not correct because Anathapindika was reborn as a deity in Tushita Heaven. So, here we can be sure that the Buddha is not talking about Nibbana, but some stage lower than that.

refer “Anāthapiṇḍikovādasutta”
Then, late at night, the glorious god Anāthapiṇḍika, lighting up the entire Jeta’s Grove, went up to the Buddha, bowed, stood to one side, and addressed the Buddha in verse." SuttaCentral

Vandami, Bhante,
Well Said, Wonderful !!

This is perfectly right, but it does not mean that a householder, possessing wealth and living on earth, is an arhat.

There’s nothing else which deserves the label of deathless. Only nibbāna.

see page 89 onwards.

nirodha samapatti is not the same as seeing nibbāna. There’s no mind in nirodha samapatti to know anything.

Lives having realized the deathless doesn’t describe the arahant then. See page 99 above to contrast between arahant vs sekhas.

Absolutely agreed, Venerable!

Bhante, the text seems wonderful, but simultaneously it appears beyond my scope, beyond my syllabus.

Thanks for clue bhante ji, but I still do not understand the diffrence in “Nirodha Samapatti” and “fal Samapatti”

I assume you mean final? Final parinnibbāna is not a meditative state. The cessation of perception and feelings: a temporary nibbāna?

Sorry Bhante, I mean “Phal Samapatti” fruition attainment
Best Regards Bhante ji


First part of this book, by Bhante Aggacitta explains this well: CESSATION EXPERIENCES & THE NOTION OF AWAKENING eBook (updated Jan2024) — Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia

I already posted it above.

In short, fruition attainment still has consciousness which sees Nibbāna, whereas cessation attainment doesn’t have any mind at all. My personal ranking of their relative happiness, is that the less aggregate, the happier. So cessation attainment seems “happier” for having no experiences. This should be an alarm bell for those who identify the nature of parinibbāna to be the same as fruition attainment where there is eternal knowing/seeing of Nibbāna.

Saadhu Saadhu Saadhu !! Great !! Thanks Bhante !!