Do you have faith in celibacy?

Thank you for this @Thaniyo_Bhikkhu, and no need to apologise :anjal:
In and of itself, this is surely a worthwhile pursuit. However, we work very hard to maintain a clear and direct focus on the Early Buddhist teachings, as described in the guidelines.

Our reason for this is to provide a specific forum for this purpose (which does not exist anywhere else), and not just to duplicate existing forums - this is not the best use of our resources here.

We try very hard to steer a balanced course, but the tendency is always for discussions to drift towards general conversations and personal opinions, and so moderators have the job to try and keep things focused. There is absolutely no disagreement that there is an important role for general discussion. It is just not on “this” forum.

Thank you for your understanding and acceptance of our guidelines. This applies to ALL participants :slight_smile:
