Dying at home vs dying at the hospital

I’m sorry, I don’t know! It’s definitely in workshop I, during the myth busting section (could be part 2, 3 or 4…) The course outline is here

From the outline:

Here are some of the “myths” that we’ll be looking at. Find out which are true and
which need busting! If you have any other kamma “myths” you’d like us to look at,
please let us know well before the event, and we’ll try to include it.
• There is no in-between state.
• The realms of rebirth only refer to psychological states; rebirth is a matephor.
• It is better to be reborn as a human than as a god.
• Collective kamma.
• Everything is due to kamma.
• Your last mind moment determines your rebirth.
• Rituals are powerful kamma.
• You can burn off your kamma by meditating on pain.
• Mahāmoggallāna’s death.
• The law of attraction (good attracts good).
• The Buddha taught rebirth and kamma because of the cultural views at the
• Consciousness enters the embryo at the moment of conception.
• Transference of merit.
• Birth as a woman is because of bad kamma.