Ekodi is a curiously obscure term: does it mean “web”?

I’m really in no position to have a balanced judgment. I’d have gone with odi because of the simple derivation and the older references, not even because of Viss.

Looking up ūti in sanskrit, we have ‘texture’ ‘web’ as a legitimate meaning. We have ‘tissue’ in the Bhagavata Purana, and ‘weaving’ at the ‘lexicographers’. So I guess it’s ok to go with this.

The main references are for ‘help, protection, promoting…’ though, attested in the Rg- and Atharvaveda. Also anūti is ‘no help’.

Again udi as ‘rising’ in sanskrit is found all over the place, from the Rgveda to the Ramayana.

I’m interested in [quote=“sujato, post:5, topic:3823”]
The rising there refers to the welling up of pīti, not to samādhi.

You seem to imply that the samadhi is not converging around the uprising piti? I would have taken it as the same movement, like a source of light gradually dispelling the fuzziness around it. or the kernel of a snowflake growing in all directions.