Ending suffering is ending life?

Thanks for sharing.

You’re quoting from DN 11.
Here is the translation on SC:

Buddha - "This is how the question should be asked:

“Where do water and earth, fire and air find no footing; where do long and short, fine and coarse, beautiful and ugly; where do name and form cease with nothing left over?” 

And the answer to that is:

“Consciousness that’s invisible, infinite, ‘*Viññāṇaṁ anidassanaṁ,*  entirely given up: that’s where water and earth, fire and air find no footing.

And that’s where long and short, fine and coarse, beautiful and ugly—that’s where name and form cease with nothing left over. 

With the cessation of consciousness, that’s where they cease.”’”

That is what the Buddha said. "

Note, there is nothing here about a timeless, deathless, consciousness. Rather, the cessation of consciousness is taught.

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May you be happy and well. :pray: :slightly_smiling_face: