‘Entering’ Jhāna?


The following terms are found in a number of suttas.

‘samādhismiṁ samādhikusalo’ or ‘samadhissa samapattikusalo’

‘samādhismiṁ ṭhitikusalo’

‘samādhismiṁ vuṭṭhānakusalo’

What is your interpretation of these terms?

These terms are found in the Jhānasaṁyutta of the Khandha Vagga in SN.

Do you know there are 2 Jhānasaṁyuttas?

I didn’t Bhante. I wish I could take flight in the minds eye over the entire suttapitaka in a snap, having no familiarity as such I have to resort to technological facilities. I don’t know how good the search function is in Suttacentral but I also found these terms in the Anguttara Nikaya.

It’s better if you can specify the location. I mean cite it, like SN 34.4.

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For example Balasutta (AN6.72)

Chahi, bhikkhave, dhammehi samannāgato bhikkhu bhabbo samādhismiṁ balataṁ pāpuṇituṁ. Katamehi chahi? Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu samādhissa samāpattikusalo hoti, samādhissa ṭhitikusalo hoti, samādhissa vuṭṭhānakusalo hoti, sakkaccakārī ca hoti, sātaccakārī ca, sappāyakārī ca. Imehi kho, bhikkhave, chahi dhammehi samannāgato bhikkhu bhabbo samādhismiṁ balataṁ pāpuṇitun”ti.

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My translation:

Bhikkhus, a bhikkhu possessed of six things is able to gain strength in composure. Which six?
Here, a bhikkhu is good at attainment of composure, good at steadying of composure, good at rousing of composure, one who acts respectfully, one who acts persistently, and one who acts appropriately.
A bhikkhu possessed of these six things is able to gain strength in composure.