Erasure of Women and Queer Voices in EBTs

There is this as example

It isn’t clear to me what exactly is this ‘sexism’ but it seems to be some terrible bad and wrong thing found in the sutta pitaka.

It seems like participation in this discourse about gay or women’s issues with the texts requires one to accept that there is something inherently & systematically wrong with the texts as they are and if we don’t accept this premise we are guilty of that very sin.

This can of course only create an echo chamber where dissenting opinion isn’t allowed and the only thing that will come out of it is an attempt at reforming the texts.

I wouldn’t even care if feminists and lgbt+ make their own texts but something tells me they won’t be content until they destroy the originals. All this effort & drama instead of just meditating and overcoming identification like everyone else.

Imo straight men don’t have it any easier in the grand scheme of things, the differences are miniscule and we’re all essentially stuck with ourselves.