Faulty cosmology and doubt

When we make a judgment, we base the judgment against our current understanding and standard. However, our understanding could be wrong or limited, and our standard is simply what we currently accept. Moreover, the current standard could also be wrong too.

I have found most of the accusations sound pretty good to the accusers and they really believe in them because the ideas fit their current standard and understanding. However, with different understanding and different standards, these accusations seem to be totally wrong. Therefore, I think it is always better to hold our judgments especially to the noble ones since our understanding obviously is far lower than theirs. This is for our own future benefit, and to avoid making terrible mistakes for ourselves.

I am very surprised to see monastics involved in these actions since I think monastics should be the last in the world to do so because of their faith with the Buddha and the Dhamma. I hope that they have different intentions.

It is not very easy to explain everything that people question, and it is not very easy to please everybody. However, I have tried to show a different understanding of some problems. If we can accept it, then we will think differently.

Here are the 2 most complaints that I found:

  1. Teaching body contemplation to monks who subsequently committed suicide.

Here was my different understanding that I explained long time ago


  1. 32 marks

Here was my different understanding

Obviously, there could be different meaningful understandings that we currently do not think of. So, how can we know for sure that our current understanding is correct? Moreover, our understanding and vision obviously are far lower than the Buddha, and we really never directly see or hear anything from him. How can we judge him correctly?

I do not say that my understanding is correct, but I just try to show that there could be different explanations and understanding that we do not know or think of. Therefore, it is always better to hold our judgments to the noble ones, especially the Buddha. This is for our future benefits.

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