Faulty cosmology and doubt

can you explain the mt meru bit. i’m intrigued. Im pretty hardcore on cosmology so curious to hear a new a take

Science = Gravity

Buddhism: Levitation… :wink:

Having been one he becomes many; having been many he becomes one. He appears. He vanishes. He goes unimpeded through walls, ramparts, and mountains as if through space. He dives in and out of the earth as if it were water. He walks on water without sinking as if it were dry land. Sitting cross-legged he flies through the air like a winged bird.

Scientists = :penguin:
Ascetics = :eagle:

How so? Sutta pitaka is full of fairytales and other nonsense like devas and demigods and super powers and stuff like that. Abhidhamma talks about only mind development. Citta and Cetasika’s…


See this for rebirth evidences.

I haven’t read Abhidhamma, visuddhimagga etc yet, but what I know from Pa Auk tradition is that there’s a way to develop the supernormal powers which is not detailed in the suttas as detailed as in the Pa-Auk traditions, which is based on Abhidhamma and Visuddhimagga. Have to jump from one Jhāna to another, with different objects in different sequence and so on very fast.

There’s specialized citta for Jhānas, reserved for the Jhānas and thus the Brahma realms, there’s detailed analysis of how rebirth happens in mind-moments, how to account for 3-rooted, 2-rooted or rootless humans via kammic acts in past lives being their rebirth re-linking consciousness.

Buddhist Cosmology is accurate based on interdimensional other-Realm, Spiritual World and Higher Plane stuff. :nerd_face: