📕 Footprints in the Dust by Bhante S Dhammika

Note that Sutta Central now supports PTS searches with this syntax:
volpage: D ii 13
and with the new “r” hotkey you can rapidly turn on (and off) the reference numbers so that you can locate the exact page. [PTS numbering is somewhat helpful when referring to a passage in a long sutta, such as in the DN.]


And soon with t you will be able to turn the PTS refs on/off specifically :blush:


:person_facepalming: It’s HTML! I can fix this problem in calibre!

Thanks for all your work


@stu I’m not sure whether this is good enough for wiswo but I’ve made an ePub and azw3 of your html version


That’s great Venerable. Just had a look at the kindle version on my paperwhite and it looks entirely useable. The navigation to the chapters and notes work perfectly. I’d like the margins in the main text to be smaller on minimum setting and some of the navigation doesn’t work quite how I’d like it to. I’ll have a little play with it to see if I can fix the little quirks before I put it on wiswo for download. Thank you so much. That’s amazing in such a short period of time! You’re a wizard.


There are free epub and azw3 versions with SuttaCentral reference numbers available from the wiswo footprints page now, and as always on the download and read books online page.

Many thanks to Ven. @pasanna for their help, guidance, direction and inspiration in getting these together. :anjal: