Frequency-ordered Pali vocab flashcards

Yes- I’ve noticed playing with it in the app that it is quizzing you on the part of speech in addition to the definition, which might not be what everyone wants.

One option would be to merge the POS and definition fields- make the part of speech part of the definition, rather than something that it’s going to quiz you on independently. You would still see the parts of speech and derivation as part of the back of the card. The downside here is that as the definitions get longer, the text becomes too small to read on a phone.

The definitions and POS info all comes from the CPED, but if there is another source for definitions that would be clearer, I can regenerate the entire set from another JSON dictionary without much trouble. I picked the CPED because it seemed likely to have short definitions, and because I have access to a physical copy that is useful for checking typos. I wasn’t familiar with what is marked as the NCPED, but from what I gather from this thread, using that as a source with the CPED as a fall-back might be an improvement.

The disadvantage of using the frequency list for selecting words is that the first few sets are strongly biased towards indeclinables, adverbs, and particles, many of which have very similar or overlapping meanings- it isn’t the best introduction for a beginner to try and distinguish a bunch of words meaning ‘indeed’, ‘but’, and ‘although’, but I was curious how much of a set I could generate with a little scripting. This was intentionally very quick ‘n’ dirty in methodology. I’ve seen some vocab lists from textbooks floating around in the past that might make a better graduated introduction rather than the drink-from-the-firehose method. A glossary might be a more useful source for vocab and flashcard definitions for newbies rather than a formal dictionary, if there is one available that has enough words.

If a few users are using these things, maybe we could collect them somewhere?

I have a GitHub account and I’m happy to contribute things back to the sc-data repo or put my scripts and card sets up there if there are other materials to gather together.

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