Functions of Sutta Central Discussion Boards

How do you place a quote from another user or a section of text in a grey box on top of your post? Is there a post or general tutorial you can refer me to?
Forgive me if this post is in the wrong place.
Thank you!


Highlight the text you want to quote and then a gray box that says "Quote should appear above the highlighted text. Click the gray box that says "Quote which should then open up a reply box where you can type in your reply. See the screenshot below:


Further to Metaphors reply, you’ll see that when you do quote a selection you’ve made the text appears in the compose window like follows:

[quote=“Bel, post:1, topic:10568”]
How do you place a quote from another user or a section of text in a grey box on top of your post? Is there a post or general tutorial you can refer me to?

(This example hasn’t had it’s formatting converted as I’ve cancelled out the markdown with a backslash)

If you just want to get a quote box that isn’t attributed to a specific user (say if you’re quoting from a text or whatever) you can just put > at the beginning of each paragraph you’d like to quote (also at the beginning of empty lines if you wish to quote more than one paragraph)

Discourse uses the Markdown markup language and you can find a guide to formatting your text in markdown here:


Markdown is fun, because you can do all sorts of nonsense like this.


There is also this basic and interactive tutorial for the Common Markdown implementation, that should work across all browsers and most Markdown implementations on various web sites (from non other then the developers of Discourse—this forum’s software)

And of course the interactive Discourse tutorial, that can be invoked right here on this site by choosing your avatar in the upper right corner, selecting PM (envelope), addressing a message to @suttabot and writing

@suttabot start new user

for basic and

@suttabot start advanced user

in the post body for advanced Discourse tutorial.



Thank you!!