General Feeling of Discussions on Garudhammas and Bhikkhunī Ordination on SC

Yes, but I am not only referring to nuns at all. I am talking about everyone—monastic, lay, male or female. And although this is not the main point of your message, and this doesn’t come only from your post, I am confused as to why this topic is being taken as a kind of attack against bhukkhunīs, when it is clearly not. My intention (of which what I wanted to say was a lot more clearly expressed in the subsequent posts rather than the first) was simply to point out false, unbalanced and slightly discriminatory positions.

Is this not normal in any conversation? No matter the topic, why would it be fine to accept false and unbalanced ideas? Should we accept such ideas—again, from a male, female, monastic or lay person—“out of compassion for bhukkhinīs”? Sorry, but that doesn’t make sense. I agree that in some circumstances, just ignoring a skewed comment is the better approach, but on a forum where the goal is to express, reflect and, when needed, debate ideas—where things are written and documented—I think it is important to address various false and unbalanced approaches (if only occasionally). And I also don’t think that avoiding expressing oneself regarding any discriminatory position helps bhukkhunīs at all (it is much more the opposite).

I agree. Again, my only intention with this was to point it out—to see/read about this slightly false and unbalanced position, so that in the near future it is proposed less, or viewed differently for those who read such positions.

Yes, but sometimes, when repeated, you end up feeling responsible and/or guilty (even if you aren’t or shouldn’t be). Is the issue the repeated unbalanced position, or the individual (or both)? The main culprit might be repetition, and expressing oneself can be helpful, but still, one’s emotional kamma and to what one applies his/her attention to are still the determining factors (all the while, avoiding positive, or negative, discussions on the bhukkhunī movement doesn’t seem like a good thing).

Thank you very much. This is beautifully said and filled with wisdom.

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