General Feeling of Discussions on Garudhammas and Bhikkhunī Ordination on SC

Wow, my post was really misinterpreted.

3 important points:

  • I am not pointing fingers at nuns, but rather the general discussions on the forum, and all the participants, being either a man, woman, monastic or lay person.

  • I agree that the bhukkhunīs have experienced horrendous things, and continue to do so, and I am probably only knowledgeable of a tiny portion of that—I am not discrediting this.

  • What I am saying is that—and my previous point, as well as yours, which is all the reason more because of it—is as a man and practicing Buddhist who is against such horrendous and unjust discrimination, I do not want to categorically be associated with these—that is the single and only point I have made.

To answer your question, as to where such posts have been made, simply look back to a post from 7 hours ago (which has since been edited 5 times—the original can be seen by pressing the crayon button and rewinding to the first version). Feel free to read the rest of the discussion.

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