General Feeling of Discussions on Garudhammas and Bhikkhunī Ordination on SC

Thank you for participating in the discussion, everyone. Although there were some misunderstandings, it went relatively well.

I’m sorry if my initial post gave a wrong impression, or created misunderstandings—I really didn’t express myself correctly.

What I wanted to say, as well as the the goal of the topic was to point out that the bhukkhunī situation is a lot more complex than how some people on the forum think it is—and that it doesn’t ressemble a “men against women” or “bhikkhus against bhukkhunīs” situation at all. I do agree this isn’t what the majority of people think, but I thought maybe a similar discussion could possibly put this false understanding to rest, or at least to some degree.

Like any relationship, where discussion and communication both help fix issues, my intention was simply to point something out hoping it could improve things, as well as unite instead of continue dividing. :slight_smile:

With mettā.