Get Bilara Sutta Texts

I’m working with the Bilara data and I need to get an individual sutta from what I believe is called a “baked” sutta.

For example, I need to get an2.37.

Is it true that the only way I can get this from Bilara (API or otherwise) is if I somehow already know that it is found under an2.32-41?

Here is the background, if it’s helpful to understand what I need. I’m creating an Anthology Builder using the Bilara data. The user will give a set of instructions consisting of a list of suttas to include. I can now accommodate selecting a range of segments in a regular sutta like this:

DN 21:2.1.1-2.2.23

I separate what comes before the : and use that as the uid in the API fetch. Then I build the segment numbers by turning that into a starting (dn21:2.1.1) and ending (dn21:2.2.23) segment.

That’s actually super simple to do and works really well. Yay! Thanks!

Until I try to get something from one of those baked suttas. Then it gets more complicated because I can only use the an2.32-41 to fetch the data and then I have to construct the starting and ending segments from the sutta I actually need, namely an2.37:1.1 and an2.37:10.4

Obviously I can wrangle things to work. But if there was a way for the API to offer up only the debaked sutta, that would be ideal.