Getting suttacentral translations in plain text

I’ve also been tinkering with this stuff too - which model are you thinking of using - Falcon? At the moment I think any Llama based model has specific licensing for research purposes only - it’s worth checking the licensing for any model you end up using. If you want to maybe craft your training/fine tuning against questions then answers, I’ve gone some way to identify who is speaking in the suttas, so use this if you like!: suttamap/data/speakers/sutta at main · michaelh-sc/suttamap · GitHub

There’s many methods to ingest the suttas into plain text, the way I do this is take some text input and perform a wildcard search with that of filenames inside the /translation folder of but there is also formatting inside if you want to replicate some of the formatting on SC such as paragraphs.

There is some API documentation in this thread . Here is some python just for getting the suttas in text format, without chapter headings and without paragraphs and other line formatting:

import os
import sys
import re
import json
from natsort import natsorted
from pathlib import Path
from pathlib import PurePath

rootbil = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'bilara-data')

def get_bilara_json(suttaglob, root_text=False, root_filename=None, target_dict_only=False):
  if root_text:
      lan = 'pli'
      filename_check = '_root-pli-ms.json'
      lan = 'en'
      filename_check = '_translation-en-sujato.json'
      filename_check_vin = '_translation-en-brahmali.json'

      def remove_prefix(text, prefix):
          if text.startswith(prefix):
              return text[len(prefix):]
          return text

  sutta_names = []
  bil_paths = []
  html_dicts = []
  bils = []

  global bilname, bilpath, sutta_name
  bil_file_paths = []
  for r, d, f in os.walk(rootbil):
    for file in f:
      if '.json' in file:
        bil_file_paths.append(os.path.join(r, file))

  def lan_key( aString ):
      lan = aString.split('html')[0], aString
      return lan

  paths = sorted(bil_file_paths, key=lan_key, reverse=True)

  bilpath = None

  for inbilname in natsorted(paths):
    sutta_sub_path = None
    htmlpath = None
    if (re.match(".*{}.*".format(suttaglob), inbilname) and lan in inbilname and (filename_check in inbilname or filename_check_vin in inbilname)) or (target_dict_only and any(targ in inbilname for targ in expl_targets) and lan in inbilname and (filename_check in inbilname or filename_check_vin in inbilname)):
      sutta_name = os.path.basename(inbilname).split('_')[0]
      bilpath_root = remove_prefix(inbilname, rootbil)
      bilpath_s = remove_prefix(bilpath_root, '/translation/en/sujato/sutta/')
      bilpath = remove_prefix(bilpath_s, '/translation/en/brahmali/vinaya/')

      if '-tv-' in inbilname and 'brahmali' in inbilname: # vinaya
        sutta_sub_path = str(os.path.dirname(inbilname).split('en/brahmali/vinaya')[1])
        roothtmlpath = Path('html', 'pli', 'ms', 'vinaya')
      elif '-tv-' not in inbilname:
        sutta_sub_path = str(os.path.dirname(inbilname).split('en/sujato/sutta')[1])
        roothtmlpath = Path('html', 'pli', 'ms', 'sutta')
      htmlsubpath = Path(sutta_sub_path.lstrip(os.sep))
      htmlpath = os.path.join(rootbil, roothtmlpath, htmlsubpath, '{}_html.json'.format(sutta_name))
      if not os.path.isfile(htmlpath):
        print("Can't find html file for sutta {}. \n ({}) Exiting.".format(sutta_name, htmlpath))
      inbil = json.load(open(Path(inbilname).as_posix(), encoding='utf-8'))
      outbil = {k: v for k, v in inbil.items() if v != " "}

  if len(bils) == 0:
    print('no bilara found, exiting')
  return [bils, html_dicts, sutta_names, bil_paths]

def do_the_thing(bil, bil_path, html_dict, sutta_name):
    sutta_text = ""
    for muid_in, line_in in bil.items():
        # Remove chapter titles and non-translated muids unless at last bilara line and it's empty
        if (len(line_in) <= 2 or re.match(r".*\.0$", muid_in) or re.match(r'.*\:0\..*', muid_in)):
        sutta_text += line_in


if len(sys.argv) > 1:
  suttaglob = sys.argv[1]

bils, html_dicts, sutta_names, bil_paths = get_bilara_json(suttaglob)

for bil, html_dict, sutta_name, bil_path in zip(bils, html_dicts, sutta_names, bil_paths):
    do_the_thing(bil=bil, bil_path=bil_path, html_dict=html_dict, sutta_name=sutta_name)
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