Gratitude and Appreciation for the Buddha Sangha

I don’t know how to start this topic … But would like to express appreciation of the immeasurable effort that has been made by the Sangha over millenia, to enable the preservation and spread of the Dhamma - to make it accessible to all.
This is a gift beyond measure, without which how hopeless our lives would be…

So please, to ALL Monastics, and especially to all of you working now to preserve and make the Dhamma and teachings available, please know that this most precious gift, is appreciated as one of the most important things in this life.

Thank you for the constant personal striving (often without gratitude, with increase of wordly agitation, and in the face of criticism) and Thank you for the generosity of sharing and teaching what has been learned.

With gratitude and respect

:anjal: :anjal: :anjal:

:anjal: :anjal: :anjal: