Haiku: your pet peeve and other musings about Buddhism

Iceblock self, melt…
…“heal my self” she asked a monk…
…“square, circle?” “circle”

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Oh Milk,( while having breakfast)
Oh Bone, ( while having lunch)
Oh Tears, ( while at the office and home)
Oh Blood ( while accidentally cut oneself)

Oh endless journey with the blinded SIGHT,…
Oh Enough oh enough with all those fours…
Be brave take the stride now,lest one regret in the future !!!

The brain decides what we see
From a human to a tree
I’m not convinced taught by scripture
The Buddhas words can paint his picture

Words are useful like an axe
They’re hacked around and chipping facts
Yet tuning in on natures law
It uses words just like a saw

From the streams and to the sea
They all connect almightily
Take a rain drop minuscule
Mixed with more they form a pool

And as that pool is called a puddle
One billion raindrops in a muddle
Fight for space and all unseen
Overflow and form a stream

For a raindrop this new start
Is it’s life and its path
Not knowing what it’s meant to be
Until it hits the mighty sea

Now I have trouble with my words
And in real life never heard
But I have doubts with texts and scripture
That words can paint a canvas picture!


This is a Haiku thread!!!


Go away rascal!
Don’t post your dull poetry-
It’s a haiku thread.

(Ps: Your poetry is not dull and please post it anyway).


Carrying on from the earlier post, a few more attempts at Thig Haikus:

Thig 1.2 (Muttā):
Like Moon in eclipse-
Free your mind from all bondage
Eating alms debt-free.

Thig 1.3 (Puṇṇā):
Full moon shines with light-
Shatter the mass of darkness
With your bright Dhamma.

Thig 1.4 (Tissā):
Train in the training,
Roaming unyoked in the world,
Free of defilements.

Thig 1.5 (Another Tissā):
Heedful of Dhamma
Don’t let the time pass you by
Avoid the bad place.

Thig 1.6 (Dhīrā):
Touching cessation-
Stilling perception is bliss;
The best rest from yoke.

Thig 1.7 (Vīrā):
Defeating Māra,
Heroic nun with sharp mind
Bears final body.

Thig 1.8 (Mittā):
Travel in good faith
To homelessness from yoking-
Value your good friends.

(I think it’s difficult to adapt all the poems in Haiku, some have elements that are lost in the process. Using both Thag/Thig, a gentle little selection of poems could work though. I’ll be more thorough later on and posting only those that I think that have the least amount of loss & sound the best.

As always, any criticism & ideas for such an undertaking is welcome. Again, the english here is mostly based on V. @sujato’s translations.)


Less words, more meaning,
A beautiful brevity,
Not superfluous.


We go crazy, alone
But with Dhamma, alone, in Jhana
Truth is found, Nibbana.

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