Tree of knowledge and
Tree of life, both grown divine
Siddhartha was where?
Don’t you play with words
I’ve done my homework!
I travel alone
My time is precious
Just waiting for you
To finish your task
Whatever it is
When you are ready
I am sure we can talk
About expedient means
Under the Bodhi tree
He freed himself from knowledge
He is my Lord!
Hard times, peaceful life
Making the best of this world
He denied it back
Death-the strongest drug.
Sweet and terrible like hell.
Wise ones are not drunk.
Life to comb your hair
Like an elegant rose, 'morrow
Will wilt away, hello, 'gain…
If you became God
Self would not arise either
A raindrop on a leaf.
Weighing action to
Fall once or twice, reminds how
Samsara’s cruel
In the depths of way
Unnamed has a thousand names
Nothing works at all.
Nothing is mighty
Fearing the unknown wisdom
Sword you never see
Renounce in Spirit
And for what you want the most
Drowning in the Sea
language is useful
expressing the namelessness
else can be not said
Navel-gazing one,
The Dharma is right here!
Let us be a friend.
(Samkhyan reveries)
When we see the eye
We know the witness to whom
I does not belong.
On Valentine, I realised
some Truths:
My heart is “Not Yours”
Your projections are “Not I”
I love “Not You”
Your game is “Not Mine”
My poem is for “Not Yourself”
The spell had broken
Please wake up!
True Love is…
Bitter mind bitter
Heart’s honesty forgiven
Falling forever
Desire for afterlife
Chasing the tail of delusion
Kamma is only now
Time cycles forever
When will you Realize it’s an
Empty husk from start
The realm of form said
To be the realm of mara, burning
Us already in hell
Without practice kind
Still no evil on the mind
Into death’s arms gone
Overcome the world
But not to become the world
The goal is to save
I’ve seen Heaven’s well
Beyond the tug of war’s spell
Freeing the mind’s time