Happy World Mental Health Day 2021!

While the spirit behind this thread is much appreciated, participants may please keep in mind the following advice from the FAQ while framing skillful responses. Let’s keep this discussion meaningful, without getting (too) personal! Thank you!! :slightly_smiling_face:

Q8 Why don’t you allow discussion of Personal practice, personal problems or diet and medical issues?

A : This forum is not a support group. Moderators cannot ensure that your personal revelations will be well received by the community. It is not possible to render meaningful assistance on such issues through the modality of an anonymous Internet forum! If it is really necessary to discuss such topics, it should be done with reference to generalities, such as would be found in a book or in a Dhamma talk. Alternatively, those interested in such conversation can use the Personal Message (PM) feature to discuss among themselves.

The internet should not be anyone’s prime source of information or advice. Apparently simple life hacks such as diet, exercise and meditation can often produce adverse effects, and sometimes even be life-threatening. Users should always contact their own doctors, dietitians, therapists and spiritual advisors before embarking on any course of action which could potentially be hazardous to their physical or mental health.