Heavenly Music?

I was with you up until I turned the sound back on … then there occurred an overwhelming rush of intense negative vedana that inspired me to do a whole lot of precept-breaking actions …
Then I remembered a conversation I had with @karl_lew ages ago. His sort of music conditions the arousing of overwhelm, stress and rage in me, while my sort of music (classical), Karl says, “has too many notes.” …

This leads me to conclude that it’s not the music itself, but the way we relate/react to the music. Our reactions are the product of individual patterns of conditioning. Georg, says it well:

Seen like this, music is just another sense experience to be noticed, that can draw some people into meditation. But like all sense experiences, it carries the danger of our grasping after it and wanting more, or disliking it and pushing it away. These are equally unskillful reactions.