Help add resources!

Hello Bhante!

I have gathered a collection of audio talks inspired by the teachings found in the early Buddhist texts—mostly by such respected teachers as Ajahn Brahm, Ajahn Brahmali and of course yourself!—I would like to share here.

All audio talks are encoded in 16kbps-11kHz-Mono mp3 format (without significant loss from the original recording) which enables easy access even on slow mobile connections (at approximately 8 MB per hour). Nonetheless the entire archive is approximately 30 GB in size, so before I start uploading away please let me know if this will cause any storage problems on the server side.

And since Sutta Central is not only such an amazing resource content-wise—for which I extend my deepest gratitude :anjal: and respect—but also designed with a sense for beauty and ease of access, just posting a bunch of links would not do. So I figured I can put up something like this (in a not-too-burdensome semi-automatic way):

Example #1—a simple list
Bhante Sujato—Dhammathreads—Season 2

Example #2—a less simple list
Bhante Sujato, Ajahn Brahmali—Early Buddhism Course—BSWA 2013

Most data is extracted directly from the mp3 tags, so not much work there, and since Discourse is such a smart platform it references uploaded files with their SHA1 hash, which actually allows for the markdown in the examples to be generated beforehand (so at the time of posting not all download links will resolve yet, but will work once the files are uploaded to D&D). The only laborious part will be uploading the files themselves since I’m on a fairly usable mobile connection with a large enough cap.

I was striving for simplicity so everything in the example is pure markdown, the table layout even looks decent on the mobile device. If you have any other design or content consideration I will appreciate any input.

Thank you for the opportunity to share this resources with all the friends in the dhamma and thank you (and the entire team behind SC and D&D) for all the hard work behind the scenes to make this the greatest access point to the teachings of the Buddha!