Help add resources!

Hello, I registered as a user here just today. I think the feature associating AV/Essays with suttas could be very useful. Ideally when I’m in the mood I would like to add lots of resources in one sitting, although I understand from the point of view of Discourse discussion forum this will look like spam. Is it possible to increase daily post limit on request?

I think it would be nice to split up talk series such as this

sutta by sutta like this

so that they can be easily found in the Discuss and Discover list when viewing a sutta on the main site.

At the moment I think it would be nice to have a thread each for all of Piya Tan’s sutta focused youtube talks, then his essays, then Bhikkhu Bodhi’s sutta focused talks (audio and video), then Analayo’s Chinese agama focused essays.
That way one would get quite significant coverage of the whole canon in an easily navigable format.