Homelessness & smartphones

Much thanks Sujith. This outlines a very understandable position, although (particularly with memory of some, in my opinion, really unfortunate discussions in connection to large numbers of migrant coming to Europe in the last couple of years) as it’s been given in response to a comment I made, I do feel a need to set myself quite apart from it.

The fear of being ‘swamped’, to my mind is a very different thing to just not knowing how to fix massive and complex problem, or even how to contribute towards fixing it at the individual level.


I can understand individual people feeling helpless but sometimes I feel that governments don’t care as long as their ‘way of life’ isn’t affected- ‘not in my backyard’ attitude. It is said Brahmanism created the classes in India which in turn created an endless slave class, for the Brahmins to exploit. Money now keeps people enslaved in endless cycles of debt, poverty and craving. It creates an ‘lower’ class that keeps the economy ticking over.

With metta