How can nibbana be achieved if it is causeless and unconditioned?


Thanks for your comments.

The citations you cited can be interpreted in different ways. From what you wrote, I’m assuming you’re placing emphasis on words like “atthi”, “āyatana”, and “dhatu.”

Fair enough, but as in my prior posts, these words have a range of meanings and are context-dependent. So others like KR Norman, Venerables Sujato, Brahmali, and Sunyo and others translate “unborn” etc. as “without birth” in the sense that final cessation – not being anything at all – is free of all birth, death, etc.

So if there’s just nothing at all, there’s no “place” or “village” or anything to “arrive” at – like there’s no arriving at a universe that was never created in the first place or not arriving to a universe that has completely winked out and utterly ceased in every aspect.

But these are just examples – none of which can be pushed too far. :slightly_smiling_face:

There are varying views about this and people are free to decide. :slightly_smiling_face:

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