How can there be no-self when there seems to be a self?

Hi @Rajitha, it’s fine to ask this, indeed, as @Deeele said,

Yes, this is true. The realms of Right Intention are deeply personal.

However, once we type something out and press “Reply” or “Post”, or write something, or speak, we enter into the domain of Right Speech.

So while the intention was beautiful (and I’m happy to take your word for it) perhaps you can see that perhaps the words could have been phrased differently?

Personally I’m sympathetic to the teaching on rebirth. And I would rather see the Sangha spreading the teachings as consistent with the EBTs.

However, on a forum such as this, where it’s difficult, due to not seeing each other’s faces and not being in each other’s presence, to get some idea of Intention; perhaps it’s best to be extra careful in our choice of words.

So there are many generally sane, good hearted, clever people who are not entirely comfortable with the notion of rebirth. While it’s okay to engage in an exchange of views. It’s probably best to do so without referring to them as “fruitcakes”!

No. It isn’t. It’s just a way for this particular online community to keep it’s Speech and general tone pleasant and inviting and respectful. It’s a way for people to say, “hey, I’ve got an issue with this, can you please have a look at it!” Flagging doesn’t break any precepts. Here’s our flagging guide. :slight_smile:

Wishing you well, with metta.