How closely are translations for Lulu books in line with Bhante's revised translations?

The Buddhist Society of South Australia (Ayya Santacārī Bhikkhuni is the Spiritual Leading teacher) is thinking of purchasing hard coppies of Dhammapada and Udāna by Bhante @sujato from Lulu.
The publication dates for those are both January 24, 2023.
I have just downloaded pdf version of Dhammapada, and the name of the zip file included “2024-12-12.”
I know Bhante often revises his translations, and I just wonder how closely are the translations available for hard copies in line with the latest available downloadable copies and the texts available on the SC web.
It would be much appreciated if anyone who knows the answer reply to this post. Thank you very much.

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I always thought that Lulu will print the latest publication from SuttaCentral. Apparently, that’s not the case. It may be cheaper to find a local shop to print the latest publication since the cover and the content are provided. That’s what I did with Majjhima Nikaya, but sadly the quality that I got from my local shop was meh. Good enough for me to read though, so can’t complain.

Thanks for asking!

The files on Lulu are somewhat out of date, and have not been updated for a while. Nonetheless, they are still fine, as the changes are mostly very minor. I do plan to update them when I get the chance, in fact I was planning to do so in England if I can, or else on my return to Oz in a couple of weeks.

There is a Lulu API that would let us update the files automatically (I think) but we have not set it up. One reason for that is that I am not hugely invested in Lulu as a platform, and would welcome an alternative. So far, however, I haven’t seen anything compelling.

Updating the files is somewhat of a tedious job, as they have to be uploaded individually. If anyone wants to help out, that would be most welcome!


Not sure if I’m able to do it, I would love to know more. I’m not capable of delivering in timely manner. If this task doesn’t require quick response, then I may be of service.

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Thank you very much for your reply, Bhante. Like WayChuang, I may not be so quick, but I am happy to help out if I can.

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That would be great, Kaz. The main things we need:

  • a little patience and attention to detail (it’s easy to upload the wrong file!)
  • access to our Lulu account

If you want to proceed, I’ll coordinate with Deepika to make sure we use the right account for uploading. (She manages the account because it is also concerned with payments.)