How do Art and Meditation Relate to Each Other?

Well, it’s worth unpacking exactly what it is that they are clearly observing and how.

They’re observing the play of the light, the way that shadows fall on a subject’s curves, the texture of its surfaces, what it would feel like to run your hand along it…

“Higher craft” demands a kind of perfectionism — a fastidious attention to the features, signs, and details.

So while they aren’t swept away by the emotions, these “higher” artists still are captivated by the sensuality, that is to say, the nuances of the experience.

But, in reality, it’s just “seeing.”

When you truly see that, that all sights whatsoever, subtle or blatant, gross or refined, pleasant or unpleasant, near or far, past, present or future, that all sights are just “sights” then you grow dispassionate with sights.

So, the proof is in the pudding. Are you growing more interested in experiencing and creating certain sights, sounds, smells, tastes, feelings and concepts? Or less?