How do you cope with climate anxiety?

I get where you’re coming from. But there is a genuine answer, even if the question was rhetorical.

If you incorporate a reasonable amount of new information, the learning itself feels good: it is good to know. And it acts, I believe, as an innoculation. During the pandemic there was a study that showed that fans of horror movies coped better. They were already used to idea of being locked in the house with an unnamed terror; or more generally, they were used to facing their fears.

How much is a “reasonable” amount is going to be very different for different people. For me, it’s usually reading an article or two most days. In a way, I think of being informed as an act of devotion, paying respect to our planet, and those how study her, by doing the courtesy of at least paying attention.


We should pay attention yes, but in a certain way. That is: carefully. Lest we get burned.

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New article on how activists sustain themselves emotionally


I would agree with that provided the person using such a strategy is already doing what they can do practically.

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