Sorry, read your headline and didn’t realise you where talking about a different mediation practice.
This one is probably more amenable to the subvocal “thought” praxis of “this is X”.
I would just say that in the original sequence given at DN1, as the praxis of the nihilists, it starts with awareness of the body, and moves, presumably after each previous stage is completely mastered, up the chain from the physical to the sensual to the mental, to the spatial, to the non perceptual (nothingness).
The buddhists first append the neither perceptual nor non perceptual to the praxis, and then later append the cessation of perception and feeling.
In terms of the neither nor part, we can look at it as a buddhist attempt to indicate the trancendence of the limits of perception, i.e if ascending all the way to the direct perception of infinite consciousness allows one to find the summit of perception in the perception of nothingness, a perception one who practicing it could, presumably not be conscious of it, but, again, presumably, would be able to reflect on the experience afterwards, then the “perception” of neither perception nor non perception must presumably use the word “perception” in two different ways, and shade off into “understanding” or “knowledge” or something.
Honestly it’s all a bit pie in the sky IMO, and I would be suprised if anyone truly mastering the sphere of infinite space even would be asking or answering questions about praxis on the internet.
the fundamental technique at play here is mindfulness of the body.
If you feel like you are gaining knowlege through the praxis of mindfullness of the body then you are on the right track