How hindrances are targeted to direct volition

Saw this documentary “ The Great Hack “ and learnt a lot on how karma is analyzed over period of times to collect data points and data is utilized to target delusions and fuel desire / thirst and aversion to direct volition towards a particular outcome, which benefits the party who pays for. Vulnerable are not just people with delusions though pretty much everyone who are unaware of hinderances. This not just done by one particular company though several of them use data to drive decisions in their favour.
This time they say data is most precious thing today surpassing oil, Still way to go and reach mind which Buddha mentioned as most precious.


And similarly, advertising campaigns are designed to increase dissatisfaction, and the craving for something better.


Interesting topic.

Respectfully, I question some of your hypothesis.

“how karma is analyzed over period of times to collect data points”

The data which Cambridge Analytica and other Information merchants collect & analyze was(is) surveillance of electronic interactions and digitized databases of demographics. This data results from a particular POV Point of View developed as specific technologies have risen. To identify this as the study of kamma might be more a View or filter, than seeing what is as what is…

“data is utilized to target delusions and fuel desire / thirst and aversion to direct volition towards a particular outcome, which benefits the party who pays for”…

I agree data & analyses are sold as being of benefit to purchaser… but imo outcomes are mixed, especially over time, or often involving unintended consequences from surveillance, and from manipulative efforts not free of greed, ill will, and ignorance/delusions. There does not seem to me to be actual distinctions between the manipulators and the manipulated; the businesses and clients seem to be cultivating greed, ill will, attachments, discontent, self and (mentally) constructed group identities, and reinforcing these in the ordinary people whose data is part of the product.

How can this reach mind? It seems to me to relate more to mental fabrications and views, than the path to liberation…

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Let me try to answer your question, yes you are right, this is affecting our behavior, mental and bodily fabrications and habits, conditioning of mind and not leading towards path to liberation and well most of the affected are ignorant of path to liberation.