How long does it take to listen to the discourses?

I calculated the playing time on SuttaCentral Voice (SCV) for English only. The actual playing will certainly deviate: the values SCV gives are estimates only. The actual time will also depend on the narrator (Amy, Raveena, or Russell). Listeners can estimate the time for Pali + English by multiplying by 2.8 (and for Pali only by 1.8). I calculated this multiplier by comparing English and English + Pali time for the Dīgha; for other āgamas the multiplier might be slightly different.

English translations by Bhikkhu Sujato & Bhikkhu Brahmali


Sīlakkhandha Vagga: 7 h and 22 min
Mahā ~: 10 h and 34 min
Pāthika ~: 10 h and 21 min

Total Dīgha (estimate): 1 d, 4 h, and 16 min (the total differs slightly from the sum of the chapters due to rounding).


Root Group of Fifty: 16 h and 15 min
Middle Group of Fifty: 17 h and 4 min
Upper Group of Fifty: 14 h and 36 min

Total Majjhima (estimate): 1 d, 23 h, and 55 min


Sagāthā Vaggasaṃyutta: 14 h and 41 min
Nidāna ~: 12 h and 37 min
Khandha ~: 15 h and 3 min
Saḷāyatana ~: 16 h and 42 min
Mahā ~: 18 h and 55 min

Total Saṁyutta (estimate): 3 d, 5 h, and 58 min


Book of the Ones: 2 h and 4 min
~ Twos: 2 h and 36 min
~ Threes: 8 h and 37 min
~ Fours: 12 h and 10 min
~ Fives: 10 h and 45 min
~ Sixes: 6 h and 4 min
~ Sevens: 5 h and 20 min
~ Eights: 6 h and 59 min
~ Nines: 3 h and 51 min
~ Tens: 11 h and 14 min
~ Elevens: 1 h and 49 min

Total Aṅguttara (estimate): 2 d, 23 h, and 29 minutes

Total all four āgamas (estimate): 9 days and 10 hours.

Future Work to Be Done

  • More reliable estimates. For now, the estimates, which are based on the SC Voice estimates, do not take into account empty segments.
  • Other collections when they appear on SCV, first of which the 2019 Therīgāthā and Theragāthā translations.

English Translations by Other Translators

(no data available yet)

Future Work to Be Done

  • Translations by Marcus Bingenheimer and others, when they appear on SCV.

Translations into Other Languages

(no data available yet)

Future Work to Be Done

  • Various translations in other languages.