How to correctly practice 37 factors of awakening

Greetings lavantien :slight_smile:

You may find the following topic useful.

The 37 Factors of Enlightenment - Bodhipakkhiya Dhamma

I’ve also found doing on-line sutta classes really helpful when planning to investigate a topic like this. Both Ajahn Brahmali and Bhikkhu Bodhi (as well as many others) have extensive recorded sutta classes on you-tube. By using the suttas listed by @Erika_ODonnell in the linked topic, one can search for the specific online resources. There may even be links to these in the AV category here on the forum.

In particular, the recordings of sutta retreats and series’ of classes are great for in-depth study.

The 37 awakening factors - a pretty fabulous focus for a few months!! Sadhu!