How to get connected with volunteering, montesaries, or live-in work with temples?

I am a young woman looking to get involved with any temple or monastery anywhere. I am about to graduate with my MSW and currently work for a Christian church. I’d prefer it to be outside of the U.S.


Just contact them and ask. Sometimes they have vacancies on their website too. Staying there and getting to know them will also help.


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There are monasteries and temples everywhere and all of them run on a volunteer basis. Most will have information about volunteering and staying on their website. Simply search ‘Buddhist monastery/temple (city name)’ and you will find somewhere. You could either email ahead, or if you are already in the area drop in around midday and introduce yourself.

Here is a directory of Bhikkhuni monasteries across the world. Female guests would be more able to participate and stay in a bhikkhuni community.


This is a great method in Australia, where people bring dana from outside, but it doesn’t work in Europe. Most monasteries here are tiny, usually only one or two monastics, and if visitors show up unannounced, the monastery may be closed, or the monastic may not be available. Definitely email in advance and make an appointment.

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I’m pretty sure I heard at the Newbury Monastery (in VIC, Australia), on their recent opening day that they were looking for some people (3 I think) to help out around the place, be care takers, etc, … maybe shoot them an email and check out what they are looking for exactly. :slightly_smiling_face:

Otherwise. I was planning to ring or drop in next week & speak to someone to get a list of what still needs finishing in / around the new building ( I def saw some plumbing needing to be done) and see if they had anyone teed up already, … and if not, then hit my ‘jack of all trades’ partner up who renovates houses to see what he might be able to help them with if they needed something that he does. I could ask for some more info for you about your enquiry.