How to practice Anapanasati (the 16 steps, original sutta version, taught by the historical Buddha )

As this is being carried over from another thread my contribution to how to practice the 16 steps of Anapanasati is in the thread below:

Apart from the initial couple of steps I think it is advanced practice as it describes the entire way up to jhana. This means doing this practice patiently without rushing to do the higher steps of the practice, when the mind may not be ready. I would wait until it is clear that it is possible to experience what is mentioned in each step before trying higher steps. Always be prepared for under or overestimation. If all else fails just stick to the breath, the awareness somewhere at the nostrils. I would predict having to start with 10-15 minutes initially, building it up to 1 hour or so, everyday. Twice daily practice would be better. Doing 15 minutes of walking meditation (cankhama- of the gradual training- anupubbhiya sikkha) before starting mindfulness of breath is ideal and helps with thoughts disruptive to your mindfulness of the breath. Some people also find metta and asubha meditation also helps prior to doing this. This is simply to get craving and aversion (abijja domanassa- Satipatthana sutta) under control.

Your comments and questions are welcome!

with metta